Lets take it one word at a time.

Idaho is known as being the Gem State seems how nearly every type of gem can be found within our boundaries. When you think about this literally, this is quite unique and gives Idaho a one of a kind reputation. Figuratively speaking, when you look at the state of Idaho as a state that you can find nearly every type of gem (whatever type of gem you are looking for in your life) Idaho can be that state which helps you find what you are looking for in life. Some of my own personal gems are my family, my religion, my education, as well as my hobbies and interests.
Idaho is also known for its mountains and rivers. The Sawtooth Mountains, The Lost River Range, The Clear Water, The Snake River, The Salmon River Mountain, Frank Church - River or No Return Wilderness Area, and the White Clouds just to name a few. These lands represent freedom, public access, uniqueness, and diversity. These areas are full of fish and wildlife which give life to everything they interact with. They also are areas that show just how dangerous and fragile life can be. As an example, just less than a hour away from where I live, the all-time lowest temperature of Idaho was recorded at a chilling -60 °F (−51 °C) without windchill, at the Island Park Dam on January 18th, 1943. As a comparison, the coldest temperature recorded in the lower 48 states was -69 degrees. This shows the extreme conditions that you can experience in Idaho!
Idaho is also know of course for their potatoes! Literally, I have held potatoes that are bigger than my own head. Potatoes so big that one single potato could feed my whole family. When I lived in Texas for a few years, the joke was, "Everything is bigger in Texas.... except the potatoes". I'm hear to tell you that it's not just the potatoes, Idaho is plentiful in lots of agriculture as well as plentiful in their wildlife! Of course I won't get into the elk populations prior to the re-introduction of the wolves, but I will say that our populations of wildlife are abundant. I love when people come to visit and I can take them up into the mountains and almost guarantee them that they will see some deer, a moose, or a few elk.
So... Now that we have clarified what Idaho is, let me explain one thing before moving on to the "Pursuit" section. When I named my blog Idaho Pursuit, I knew that I was "limiting" myself to just Idaho, but the more I thought about all of the items I listed above, I realized that Idaho Pursuit isn't just about Idaho, its about the lifestyle and activities Idaho supports! I've sold Idaho Pursuit hats to Idaho, New York, California, and about 10 other states which goes to prove that the content and attitude of my blog is not just limited to Idaho. Which leads me right into explaining the Pursuit.

I have seen the meme which says "There is no WI-FI in the forest, but we can promise you'll find a better connection". This is exactly how I feel when it comes to the outdoors in Idaho. I find myself yearning for more, searching for purpose, and it becomes part of who I am. As they say, you can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy...
Another quote that helps me understand the word Pursuit is, "If you're not getting better than you're getting worse, you never stay the same". This applies to all aspects of your life. It is impossible to stay stagnant in this world that we live in. With all the influences for both good and evil, you are either becoming a better person or a worse person. What you constantly do is a outward reflection of who you are on the inside. If I spend my days watching TV and yelling at my kids, the amount of satisfaction I will have in my life is going to be minimum. Of course it is relaxing and I am not against sitting down and watching a show, but my personality is more about getting out of the house and doing something that will make me a better person. When I chose "pursuit" this is was I was hoping to capture as well as convey to share these messages with those who read my blog.
So, what is Idaho Pursuit? It is what you make it. It's a little bit of everything without a limit of what it can or can't be. Just like the state of Idaho, Idaho Pursuit is a place you can come to find that gem in your life that you may be looking for. If there is something you haven't seen or want to see on Idaho Pursuit, let me know... who knows it may lead to you and I making an adventure to explore together. Idaho Pursuit is more than a blog, more than a hat company, and more than just some online outdoorsy website. Idaho Pursuit is you, your life, your passion... I hope you enjoy it and make it something wonderful!
I appreciate all those who read and comment on my posts. Please keep in touch and lets get out and enjoy the outdoors!
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