As the month went on, my focus switched to elk as I was hearing about how many people were seeing and harvesting elk in my area. I chatted with my dad and one of my brothers about chasing elk in an area we have always loved to hunt. As I got into our area with my dad and brother I will admit, I had very little hope of seeing much. I had gotten into this area just two weeks earlier and saw literally nothing yet covered miles of ground... This trip however started off quite promising as we started hearing elk bugle within the first 15 minutes of our hike in. We talked and formulated a plan on how we were going to set up and then hustled to where we wanted to be just before daylight. We were all set up and spread out to the three different locations we know the elk typically travel in this area. I stalked in and had elk all around me. I saw two bulls chasing a cow back and forth between some trees. I snuck into bow range and ranged a tree at 60 yards. Just as I set my range finder down, one of the bulls stepped out from behind the tree I had just ranged and stopped broadside! I pulled back, put my 60 yard pin right on him, and let go! Just as if it was in slow-motion, I watched my arrow come out of my bow, soar through the air, and just as it got to where the elk was it flew right underneath the elk... Of course all the elk ran off as I could see my arrow in the dirt behind where the elk had been standing. At that moment I kicked myself for not compensating for the fact that the elk had stepped out from behind the tree I ranged and was 8-10 yard behind what I had ranged... Luckily it was a clean miss and I didn't wound an animal.
With the close of archery season, my luck hadn't changed. I got out a few times but didn't accomplish anything other than burning calories and wearing out my boots. Through the month of September I was keeping an eye out for a good bull as my older brother had an early bull tag for the rifle season. As I caught glimpses of a few potential bulls I wasn't 100% we had found one worthy of receiving the 300 win mag bullet. As my brother's hunt started, we went back into the same area my dad and other brother had tagged their elk. This is the same area I had come two other times without seeing a thing... Of course seems how I wasn't hunting, we were seeing elk left and right! We saw a few cows, a couple small bulls, and then... the big guy!
My brother snuck out from behind a tree and got ready for a shot. I slowly moved in behind him to selfishly watch him shoot. Just as I peaked over my brother's shoulder I saw a great 6x7 bull elk bugle while staring right in our direction. The bull had us pinned and was getting nervous. Just as the bugle ended I heard the safety go off on my brother's rifle... second after this, my brother sent a bullet in the direction of the bull immediately dropping the bull right in his tracks! The rush of excitement when the bull hit the ground was indescribable! As we walked up on my brother's bull, it's rack seemed to just keep getting bigger and bigger! Once again, the moment, the hunt, the rush, and the passion all compensated for all of the bad luck I had experienced up to that point this season.
So even though my season has been a frustrating one in regards to my own success, I have been involved in some amazing moments and memories with those I love. It is a great reminder that any time spend in the outdoors is time well spent. Even if your luck is as bad or worse than mine, there are always silver linings that help remind us of why we do what we do!
Remember that success in hunting isn't measured in inches, tags, limits, or even days/hours that are spent in the field. Success in hunting is based solely on your experience and your interpretation. Don't look at your hunt compared to someone else's hunt, or even compared to a past hunt of your own for that matter. Each day is it's own day... you have an opportunity every day to make that day the best and most memorable day you can. When negativity keeps swarming you and your plans, just look for those silver linings. Look for the positive in life. I know this hunting season so far has helped teach me to take the focus off myself and my experiences and to focus on others. Being selfless is never a bad trait to have... Now if I can keep that focus and perspective, then I may be getting somewhere :)