Thursday, June 18, 2015

Great Archery Shoot, Even Greater Cause!

This is the most recent newsletter sent out by the Upper Snake River Bowmen, I thought I would pass it on to help spread the word about a great shoot for a great cause!
Upper Snake River Bowmen

Annual Patriot Shoot
June 27-28, 2015

Proceeds go to Randy Palmer Family Benefit

2 Ranges 3D ANIMALS
Veterans/Active military shoot free


MEMBERSHIP FEES: Family $45 Single $30


Workday set for Friday June 26 10:00 to completion

President Report
I want to first start off by thanking everyone who attended the Hog shoot. Thank you to those who helped set up and those who helped clean up. It was a nice change to have barbecued pulled pork sandwiches for lunch as well. With the Patriot Shoot just around the corner, I want to let you all know how things will run. This is by far one of my favorite shoots. It’s still a new location and I have heard from a lot of you that are excited to get back up there. The shoot will take place on the Ashton Hill, off of the Anderson Mill Road. The dates are the 27th and 28th. Bring your campers; there are several locations to set up on your own or with a large group of friends.
This is our Patriot Shoot so all Veterans and active military shoot free! They will also be placed in a special drawing for Veterans only. This is just a small way of saying THANK YOU to those who have made so many sacrifices for our freedoms.
Remember that this shoot is also tied to our Randy Palmer Benefit. All proceeds from this shoot will go to the Palmer family. With that being said, the first evening of the shoot (Saturday 27th), at 6:00, we will have the Dinner/Benefit in Ashton. It will be held at the Ashton Stake Center’s outdoor pavilion. We have a combination of drawings, silent and live auctions. Some of the prizes include two large gun safes, with a combined value of over $4,200, guided fishing trips, a Cabelas outfitter tent, Utah Jazz tickets, four half pigs cut and wrapped, an AR-15, several bows, GoPro’s and MUCH, MUCH MORE! Please bring the whole family, invite your friends, enjoy the chicken dinner ($10), have several chances to win prizes and support an amazing cause in the meantime. Remember to check the website for maps to the shoot. For questions or information on how you can help donate to this event, please call me at 705-0708. See you all there!
Vice President Report
I would like to say thank you to all that came out to the Hog Shoot! We had a good turn out and fun times there at the range. I would also like to give a big hand to our Board members and all the hard work that has gone into this year so far. I have an opportunity to work with a great group of people who truly care about the future of the sport and club.
I hope that everyone will join us for the Patriot Shoot. This year’s shoot will be held June 27-28 on the Anderson Mill Rd. on top of Ashton Hill. This year all the shoot proceeds will go to the Palmer family. Please don’t forget the benefit dinner that is being held in Ashton Saturday night.
I am pleased to see that there are a few people using the range. Remember that the range is a big asset to you as you ready yourself and your shooting skills for the upcoming hunting season. NO broadheads allowed on the range! The range is also a good place to teach the younger generation about the sport that we love so much. Please take a minute and explore the range if you have not yet had a chance to make it up there. Remember to shut and lock the gate when you leave the range to help cut down on the vandalism.
Secretary Report
Hello again fellow archers. I would like to thank everybody that was able to attend the Hog Shoot this year at the range. Many of us have been to the range before but, this was my first time shooting with a large group at the range. I have to say: It was a blast! We set up all the usual favorite targets AND even had some of the new targets the club just purchased, including (my personal favorite) the Cobra! With the way the course was set up, shooters had the chance to start on either the upper or the lower range first, and eat lunch first, last, or in between. However, my favorite part was to hear some of the memories and history of the range. The pulled pork sandwiches were a nice change. Our numbers were a little lower at this shoot; with about 100 shooters. The total income from the shoot was: $1,807 and total expenses $1,205 amounting to a profit of $602. See you at the Patriot Shoot!
Counting Coup (coo)
In early Indian civilizations, the highest honor a warrior could receive was earned by “counting coup” on his opponent. It was an exhibition of extreme bravery. This most prestigious act included touching an enemy with the hand, bow, or with a coup stick then escaping unharmed, while leaving the enemy alive. “Counting coup”, then, was the epitome of a type of warfare that pitted the skill and daring of one man against another. You may remember the trials of Jeremiah Johnson continually being challenged by the Indians attempting to kill him or better yet count coup on him. Counting coup ranked much higher than killing the opponent.
Years ago our club decided to allow the act of counting coup in our Bowhunting Awards program. A fair number of our members don’t know this opportunity exists so we are mentioning it here in the newsletter. Members can receive point credit for animals that are touched vital with an arrow, thus leaving them alive for another day. For example, how many snakes or porcupines does a person need to kill. When you count coup, you obviously could have killed it, but elected not to. An animal can only die once, so only one person can count coup on it. Your partner must find his own specimen. Counting coup not only provides opportunity to use your hunting skills without harvest, it also looks better to the non-hunting public.

is not about how far,
it is about how close!

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